I will be pleased to organize additional consultations for all the current and future students. Feel invited to join my remote consultations on Thursdays between 8.00 and 9.30 a.m. (CET). An individual consultation date and time can also be arranged by contacting me in advance. If you would like a face to face meeting, I encourage you to contact me in advance to make an appointment at my office, which is located in Building B, Room 107 (1st floor).

As an academic teacher, I try to conduct my classes with full passion and commitment. The subjects of my lectures and workshops touch various areas, such as international business, global resourcing, international economic relations, economic analysis and environmental economics. I also specialize in academic classes in project management and workshops for high school youth on entrepreneurship.
Teaching at the Wrocław University of Economics and Business is an amazing opportunity to work with ambitious students who share their experiences and carry out complex projects under my supervision.
Since 2021, I have had the pleasure of working together with Dr. Karolina Łopacińska on the development and implementation of an innovative subject dedicated to International Business students. Through the use of an advanced system based on the Virtual Reality (VR) concept, the International Business Simulation Game subject allows our students a completely new approach to managing the internationalization process of a company.
The objective of the game is to optimize internal production and logistics processes, to develop an optimal export strategy, and to develop a Polish company producing photovoltaic panels wishing to expand into foreign markets, i.e. China, USA, Germany, India, Brazil.
The three companies compete to attract the highest number of inquiries and to build their brand image and awareness in selected foreign markets. This allows them to maximize their profits, gain the largest share of individual markets, and achieve a competitive position vis-à-vis the other players (companies).
At the same time, through the analysis of the foreign market’s strategic management of the production process of sales in implemented export transactions, participants acquire the skills to anticipate the future needs of the company based on the adopted assumptions of the company’s development strategy in the international environment. Moreover, during the simulation, participants are exposed to unforeseen (random) events, which require them to react appropriately in order to minimize the negative effects.
The process of refining the simulation continued until the end of February 2023, and in the summer semester of 2022/2023, the simulation was implemented as a separate subject called the International Business Simulation Game.
Energy Transition in International Business
The energy transition, which is nowadays a multidimensional process that covers many aspects of socio-economic life, poses a number of challenges for the functioning of economic actors. The class provides students with an understanding of the sources and significance of the energy transition in the global economy and the role of selected institutions that significantly determine the directions of this process. Participants in the course learn about the key trends and determinants shaping this process, taking into account the geographical variation of the dynamics of this process in selected regions. In addition, students learn about the impact of the energy transition on selected areas of business operations, including international logistics, international corporate finance, manufacturing operations and international competitiveness and marketing activities. This course has been extended to include examples of companies in selected industries that are effectively exploiting the opportunities and anticipating the risks associated with the energy transition domestically and internationally.
Economic Diplomacy
The objective of this course is to familiarise students with economic diplomacy in its broadest sense, including in particular current organisational models, tasks and tools for its implementation. Furthermore, in this course, students are introduced with case studies of the use of selected instruments of economic diplomacy, learn about the specifics and roles of the various actors involved in the implementation of economic diplomacy, and review the factors determining the selection of the various tools for conducting economic diplomacy. Additionally, students learn about the impact of economic diplomacy activities in macro-, meso- and micro-economic terms. The course provides students with knowledge and skills related to the shaping, planning and implementation of activities that respond to current challenges and directions of economic diplomacy in Poland and the European Union. As a result of the course, students attempt to plan their own undertaking in line with the principles of economic diplomacy in a selected country or region.
International Energy Markets (in English)
The objective of this course is to provide students with fundamental knowledge of the functioning of international energy markets, particularly in the context of transnational corporations and their activities in specific market segments. The scope of this course includes topics related to the structures and models of international energy markets, the analysis of factors influencing the external and internal operating environment of organizations in selected national energy markets, as well as the international trade of leading energy sources and carriers and cooperation in transnational electricity grid connections. Furthermore, the course offers students the opportunity to develop market analysis skills by introducing various methods of collecting energy market data, processing and analyzing it using a variety of statistical techniques. Furthermore, this course offers students the opportunity to enhance their knowledge of the environmental issues that influence and shape some aspects of the operation of international energy markets. By undertaking this course, students will be able to develop a characterization of segments of the international energy market based on evidence from the self-directed projects that result from this course.

A study visit at Promet-Plast in Gaj Oławski as part of the course entitled “Energy Transition in International Business”…