The hydrogen revolution requires cross-border cooperation, examples of which and the importance of which I was able to learn at the 15th Polish-Saxon Economic Forum in Dresden (October 25-26). What an amazing event it was!

Among the speakers, I paid special attention to the keynote speech by Ewa Andruszków of the Lower Silesian Hydrogen Valley, who discussed examples of groundbreaking projects implemented not only in our region but also in the example of other valleys, such as the Baltic Hydrogen Valley.
As an Olawian who has grown up all his life in the shadow of the growing wind farm in the Oława Grove, I could not miss the speech by Andrzej Jeżewski of Promet-Plast, which leads the Olawa Energy Cluster. It was a unique chance to hear presentations on further ambitious projects, i.e., a 5 MW electrolyzer for producing low-emission hydrogen and a station for refueling this fuel.
Agnieszka Spirydowicz also spoke in the Polish-German panel discussion, also representing the Lower Silesian Hydrogen Valley and Zgorzelec Zklaster Cluster for RES and Energy Efficiency Development. The speaker discussed the multidimensional challenges of implementing solutions based on hydrogen and fuel cell technologies and referred to her extensive experience in international cooperation in this area.
Forum gospodarcze było także okazją do poznania wielu ekspertów i ekspertek po obu stronach granicy na Nysie Łużyckiej, w tym przedstawicieli HZwo, czyli Saksońskiego Innowacyjnego Klastra Wodorowego, którzy nakreślili wyzwania z jakimi się mierzą na ścieżce transformacji w stronę niskoemisyjnej gospodarki wodorowej. Na Forum nie zabrakło także wystawców, tj. Solaris Bus & Coach, którzy zaprezentowali swój model autobusu wodorowego. Serdecznie dziękuję Urzędowi Marszałkowskiemu Województwa Dolnośląskiego za organizację wizyty na tym wspaniałym wydarzeniu!